Thursday, February 26, 2015

easy-forex Premium Market Update - UK... Boom or Bust!

UK....Boom or Bust!!! Join Senior Market Analyst James to discuss potential market events in the UK in the following few months. Register Now:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

easy-forex Premium Market Updat (POLISH) - GREECE

easy-forex Premium Market Update - GREECE

More info: Register: “Grexit” (Greek Exit) speculation has dominated the news and with Greece's bailout due to expire on February 28th and an emergency meeting taking place today, easy-forex is asking could the EU’s pain be your gain? Leading market analysts are preparing for a major collapse in the EUR currency following the Grexit. If you agree, you may want to choose "Short" EUR crosses like EUR/USD, EUR/JPY and DAX; Contact your Relationship Manager now to find out how.